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Daily Maintenance of HZS Concrete Batching Plants

2012-11-21 10:27:33

HZS concrete batching plant.jpg

HZS concrete batching plant is a major concrete producing equipment, concrete batching plant is not alone in producing, concrete batching plants are included: compulsory concrete mixer, PLD series concrete batching machines, control systems, bulk cement silo integrated production of concrete machinery and equipment.
HZS series concrete batching plant models are: HZS25 concrete batching plant, HZS35 concrete batching plant, HZS50 concrete batching plant, HZS60 concrete batching plant, HZS75 concrete mixing plant, HZS90 concrete batching plant, HZS120 concrete batching plant, HZS150 concrete batching plant and so on, including large batching plant, also has small concrete batching plant, but whether it is large or small concrete batching plant, daily maintenance is necessary, because this is necessary to guarantee long-term use of HZS concrete batching plant.
Daily maintenance of HZS series concrete batching plant: inspection consists primarily of concrete mixers, mainly checks whether the concrete mixer mixing drum contains debris, clean the line source is complete; weighing equipment is accurate measurement of concrete batching machine; bulk cement soil or onchip cement soil availability of rust, corrosion and so on.